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Can I use case studies in my dissertation research?

Of course, using case studies in dissertation research seems a very effective method that completely depends on the research topics or the objectives. Using case studies allows you to explore the event, organizations, and specific instances in depth. Meanwhile, this method is useful under dissertation help in qualitative research which mainly focuses on the aim of understanding complex phenomena or developing an in-depth analysis regarding situations in the real world.


While using the case studies, you need to choose a single case or maybe multiple cases which join with the questions and objectives of your research. Case studies help deliver rich insights while exploring unique or extreme cases. This helps make out valuable for making up the theories and understanding the context-specific issues.

There are numerous case studies used in dissertation writing services UK. They are available in single-case or multiple-case studies. A single type of case study helps you by providing different advantages. In dissertation help, a single case study mainly focuses on one example, meanwhile in multiple-case studies contrast or compare with various cases to find out the patterns.

In writing services, you need to note down the limitations of the case studies like reduced or relevance to the wider populations. Here, you have to only justify the case study method which is very important, especially for your research. You are also free to deeply discuss about the scope and the objectives of your studies.


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